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AAFM's community is designed to accommodate the different elements of the Body of Christ.  We work with individuals, families, and church leaders to tailor a project that is the right fit for its workers.  AAFM seeks to provide an answer to those who are looking to embark into missions work.  Many feel the desire and even hear the calling but don't know where to start.  AAFM is available to assist in the process of the dream becoming a reality.



Churches & Small Groups

Do you feel that you have a heart for missions but don't know where to start?  We have a process that will help you define your passion and identify an area of missions ministry.  Start by completing our 10-Question Survey.

As your family physically grows, help them grow spiritually and develop their love for missions.  Find out how you can take your children and even grandchildren on a family missions trip. Click here to see our current project.  Contact us to learn how you can be a part of our next one!

Are you seeking a way on how your church can embody the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)?  Network with Pastors and church leaders to learn how you can get your congregation mobilized for missions.

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